Sakhalin Island is 1000km long and the journey from Yuzhno in the south to Nogliki takes 15 hours. Its wise to pack some extra food and refreshments. First Class travellers receive a bagged lunch which consists of bread and slice of bologna, cheese & crackers, an apple, chocolate and a bottle of Baltica beer.

There are many stops along the route at rural villages.

These towers are a common sight on Sakhalin Island. Hmmmm, let me guess. The local bingo club meets here on Monday nights and the Girl Scouts on Friday. Gu...what?...lag??? what are the rifle slots.....I mean windows for?? I have no idea..........

okay, some days the weather is rainy and can be very miserable and cold in winter especially up north. Winter does last for 6 months or more and in spring road conditions between Nogliki and Chayvo can be extremely muddy due to thawing. I can honestly say I never saw a day that was anywhere near as cold as temperatures I experienced at Baker Lake, Nunavut which is in northern Canada. At Baker the temps would drop to -45 for weeks at a time. I think the coldest it got at Chayvo while I was there was -25 and that was only for a few days. As I recall we shut down operations for a few days due to whiteout conditions during the winter of 2004-05 at Chayvo. I spent 2 summers in the field at Chayvo and my rain gear was only worn a handful of times. So generally speaking the weather was quite pleasant from my perspective.

Hot water heater for making tea and hot chocolate

Ramon from California was heading to Chayvo to supervise the welders

I really enjoyed the train travel and met people from many different backgrounds. Can't remember who this gentleman is but his smile reflected the feelings of many of us. We appreciated the opportunity to see a part of the world that was forbidden until just a few years ago.
Oh, don't tell the lunch box included Baltica - I won't ever believe this!
And the winter doesn't last for 6 months - at least 4-5!
yup, always a warm Baltica with the lunch!I never drank going to Chayvo so gave the beer away to a thirsty expat. Winters were pretty good alright, maybe I remember them being longer because a lot of my photos seem to have snow in them!
Oh, that makes sense. Just to me the presence of snow doesn't really mean the presence of winter if you know what I mean :)
yes,and the snowdrifts between buildings stayed a long time in the shadows. What was amazing to me was the lack of mosquitoes, very few!!that was nice.
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