It was a privilege to work on a project of this scale and
significance but it was an even greater honor to work with so many wonderful people. Here are a some of those people.
Nicholay, Bruce, and Svetlana


the carpenters who worked so tirelessly on the TEG building


a group photo taken outside the Veco office

hey, there's me watching the flare stake get raised

every birthday was celebrated with a beautiful cake. This time its Michael's turn.

Bruce from Canada, Igor from Russia, and Ted from America

Michael and Natasha having coffee break

Igor and Nicholay


Rob and Svetlana

Natasha and myself at the TEG building during layout of the concrete pedestals. Our crew set 450 bolts within 2mm tolerance and only had one bolt out of place which they were able to drill in after the concrete set. What a professional group of surveyors I had the priveldge of working with.

It got cold in November 2005. The goggles came in handy when the dust storms hit.

Andre relaxing

the other Andre surveying the heavy haul road

oops, same group photo

Clay had a birthday in Chayvo too

Ivan and Nicholay checking out the new camera

Anatoli peeling an apple on the train. On one of the trips to Yuzhno Anatoli came to my compartment and we shared a shot of vodka in the dark. That was such a special moment and one I shall never forget. Neither of us could speak the others language but that didn't matter. Thanks Big Boss Man!

Anatoli bought a new hat while home in Kharbarosk. It don't get much more Russian than that fur hat!
Wow - I recognized Veronika on 3 pictures! Awesome!
hahaha!!! yes Veronika seems to be in many of my photos!
She is a cutie and still loves to be on pics! By the way, today's het B-day actually...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Veronika where ever you are in the world!
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