Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hobbit Heaven

Richard G was my assistant on the Barbados Prison Project and we spent countless enjoyable hours together. One day we decided to check out the ravine where the monkeys lived and discovered this old bridge that was covered in vines and just seemed like the perfect hobbit house. Upon entering we could hear this peculiar clicking sound coming from the other end. I had visions of big spiders or snakes but Richard assured me there was nothing that would harm us so we carefully made our way through the tunnel towards the sound. On the floor we discovered these Soldier Crabs engaged in battle or love, not sure which. The crabs find these old shells to call home till they get too big and have to move out and find a different shell. 
ah, the life of a crab under the bridge where its cool and shaded
Soldier Crabs busy doing what Soldier Crabs do. Pinching and pulling each other around till somebody gets hungry and bored. What a life!

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