August 24,2004 was not a good day to be flying from Domodedova Airport, Moscow. Chechen suicide bombers brought down 2 planes that day. Flight 1303 was en route to Volgograd and Flight 1047 was headed to Sochi. I was also in the air that day and headed into Russia from Seoul, South Korea. Sometimes its best to not know all the details and just carry on with your travels. Days later on August 31 the Moscow subway was bombed and 1o people died. Then on September 1, 2004 we were notified of a hostage crisis in Beslan. Little information was provided and we had limited access to TV news coverage. The Russian military was surrounding our camp as this was the largest foreign investment project in Russia and rumour was that the Chechen rebels might try to attack the project. After several days the Russian military launched an assault on the school where the rebels were holding the hostages. I believe 335 people were killed and many of those were school children. I think we were all pretty nervous about what was happening especially when we considered the significance of the project we were working on and how it could be a target for political purposes. I was glad to have the Russian military patrolling the perimeter of the camp and security was tight at the gate. Even the unmanned blimp that seemed to be photographing us was welcomed. I do remember having the 'what if' discussion with several expats just so we would be prepared in case of a terrorist attack. Who had access to weapons? what container would provide the greatest protection? where was fuel stored? things of this nature. It was early in the project and we had no idea the Russian Mafia had such a presence onsite. Looking back on it now from the security of home there's little chance a group of rebels could have penetrated the camp. The landscape and presence of the FSB made infiltrating very difficult.
Entry into and out of Chayvo was controlled by security personal at this gate. It was annoying to have them rummaging through your luggage searching for alcohol and weapons but the staff were respectful and most of us appreciated their diligence in keeping trouble outside the gates.

Security checkpoint at Chayvo.
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